Kamis, 13 September 2012

What Is It That You Love About Christmas?

what is it that you love about christmas?
is it the present?
the christmas tree?
the lights and lamps?
or the warm love in the air?

what is it that you miss about christmas?
is it the celebration?
the christmas carol?
the red santa and the black pitt?
or being reminded that a new hope had born?

as for me,
i love it when my family gather from all over the country
i love it when we hug each other, laugh together
i love it when i feel the fullness of love

and yes,
i do love the lamps, trees, and carols
i do love the presents and celebration
but i love it most,
what God has done so that i can always remember
that there is always hope..

so i'll save this warmth
'til i see you again, my merry christmas..

though it's still september, i really miss christmas already.

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